Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Quiet spring the spring warm

Quiet is a scenery.

Quiet spring, the spring warm, wind from the lull, matters in this world, such as Egypt, chaos open, ice melting, started soft frozen mud. It seems that all life is still immersed in a winter paradise, but was in the silent, just as quiet as you can hear the grass green throbbing sound, Wicker bud swelling sound. Can also hear zhechong straighten oneself up wriggle sound, sound of the new swallow flew.

Quiet is the summer. Break in the early summer rain, neon concentric, day fresh crisp, yunkai Japanese-CHAN, new Monroe fibrillation, world peace, and in this time of the most dynamic, the Sun again sprinkled with his enthusiasm, transpiration of wet land, the forest is greedily suck gas, lives there with a fresh face, stretching a revitalization.

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